My Dad

fathers_day_headerI was at the open house of my new clinic, Tall Tree Integrated Health Centre, this past weekend and was telling a story about my dad.

My father is hands down my biggest fan (and I already have some big fans in my mom, brother, father-in-law and hubby, so that's saying something). He's been retired well over 10 years now and loves his daily errands, one of which is grocery shopping. One day he was standing in line waiting to pay and overheard the lady in front of him talking about her osteoarthritis and daily pain.

Without hesitation he pulled one of my business cards out of his wallet and proceeded to tell her how much I could help her, and that she should really consider seeing a naturopathic doctor.

The funny part of this story isn't that my father was plugging my business - it's that it's a completely regular occurrance. My father has so much faith in my work that he probably hands out my business card more than I do! His support always blows me away.

My dad has taught me so many important lessons growing up, but the ones that have really stuck for me and my brother are the ones we both aspire to live every day: love what you do. Work hard, as nothing comes for free. And be modest and humble.

All three lessons have helped me grow both professionally and personally in too many ways to count.

So thank you, dad, for all the wisdom and love, for always believing in me, and for pushing me to follow my dreams.

And happy Fathers' Day to all those awesome dads out there!!!

BlogDoctor Marita