Diabetic Friendly Holiday Treats

As the holiday treat train approaches the station, nobody wants to miss out on all the goodies!

Just because you may be living with diabetes doesn’t mean everything has to be off limits, treat wise. There are still options to indulge, it just takes a little bit of extra mindfulness with ingredients and moderation around treat intake.  

Let’s take a look at some of my favorite diabetic friendly ingredients and why they are supportive to a diabetic lifestyle when consumed mindfully:


Eggs have been linked to the reduction of heart disease & lowering of blood sugar. They are an excellent way to maintain proper blood sugar levels and contain important vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E and B12. 


Key players in reducing inflammation, lowering blood sugar and improving blood glucose levels, nuts are a wonderful (and popular) holiday ingredient. 


This festive flavor classic is loaded with several antioxidants that lower oxidative stress.


Known to decrease insulin and contain many anti-inflammatory properties, ginger is a perfect holiday flavor.

Unsweetened Cocoa-

This one comes up very low on the glycemic index, and the antioxidants contained in cocoa help the body to use insulin more efficiently and help with blood sugar control.


Low in calories and also low on the glycemic index, pumpkin is excellent for treat-making.


Although they contain carbs, a portion of them are actually fiber, which help to stabilize blood sugar levels. Apples are also a great source of vitamin C.

Cream Cheese-

Rich in protein and low in carbohydrates, cream cheese is excellent for adding texture and flavor when used in moderation.


Delicious & nutritious, berries are a great way to indulge in your festive treat creations. Cranberries especially are not only a holiday favorite, but contain numerous antioxidants that help to lower blood sugar.

Sweeteners -

Remember that organic and natural (non-artificial) sweeteners are always better to use rather than artificial, no matter what health concerns you have. 

Some of my favorite natural sugar alternatives and replacements are: Xylitol, Monk fruit, and Stevia. 

Maple syrup and honey are also good natural sweeteners, though they do raise glucose levels, they don’t rise as quickly as other sugars. They also contain antioxidants, something that many refined sugars do not.


If you are headed to a gathering or holiday celebration, I have some diabetic friendly holiday treats for you to test out in the kitchen so you aren’t stuck with an empty treat plate. 

Meringue Snowmen - A playful delight!

Cranberry Crumble Bars - Zesty and warming.

Sugar-free Gingerbread Cake - Can be made non-dairy milk if needed.

Chocolate Nut Bark - So easy!

GF Almond Cookies - Only 4 ingredients.

Cream Cheese Cookies - Can be made into fun holiday shapes.

Almond Flour Raspberry Cookies - Berry delicious.

Cran-Apple Crisp - Heart and tummy warming.

Chocolate Crackle Cookies - Festive & chocolatey.
