What Your đŸ’© is Telling You About Your Health

Why we as a species have become soooo afraid to talk about, or even let anyone be aware that we poop is beyond me. 

Here is is: EVERYBODY POOPS. You do, your mom does, your husband does, and so does your favorite pop star. 

It’s time to brush aside the shame, because that shame keeps a lot of health issues in the dark. Not only are a lot of people ashamed to talk about their poop with friends and family, but with their doctor as well. It’s important to break this silence, because our bowel movements, in all their gory details, tell us a lot about our overall health. 

So without further poo-do, let’s talk about what your poop is telling you about your health. 

Before You Go (Bloating, Gas, and Regularity) 

Before you even hit the bathroom, your body might be sending signals about your digestive health. Bloating, excessive gas, and irregularity can all be signs that something is amiss in your gut. While “regular” varies from person to person, the typical  range of normal is between three times a day to three times a week. Pay attention to the rhythms of your own metabolism, and watch for any changes or chronic issues as they may indicate dehydration, dietary issues, food intolerances, or underlying health conditions.

50 Shades of Brown (Colour)

Do you look back after you drop the kids off at the pool? Well, you should! The colour of your poop can provide valuable insights into your health. While shades can vary widely based on what we’re eating (I’m looking at you blueberries)  and hydration levels, certain colours can indicate potential issues. Black or tarry looking stools may suggest bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Pale or clay-colored stools could signal problems with bile production or liver function. Look out for anything that can’t be explained by something you ate, or persists is out of your normal range. 

On the Way Out (Rate of Elimination) 

Pay attention to the ease in which you are eliminating. Do you have to strain at all? When you go is it urgent and you barely make it to the toilet? This goes hand in hand with stool texture as well. Have a peek in the bowl, and use the handy chart below to determine if you are on the side towards constipation or diarrhea. 

Smooth, sausage-shaped stools that are easy to pass are generally a good sign. If you’re experiencing consistently loose, watery stools, it could indicate issues like inflammation, infection, or malabsorption. If you’re more in the other direction, with hard and lumpy stools, it could point towards dehydration or other types of gut irritation.

Stage 5 Clinger or a Disappearing Act (What Happens When You Wipe)

Yes, we’re going there. The texture of your poop, and how it behaves when you wipe, can offer clues about your digestive health. If you find you have to wipe and wipe and it never seems to end, it could point towards issues like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or even pelvic floor dysfunction. On the other hand, poop that seems to disappear without a trace usually isn’t a cause for concern.

A Rose by Any Other Name (The Sniff Test)

Let’s be honest, everyone’s sh*t stinks!  But excessively foul-smelling bowel movements could indicate an imbalance in your gut bacteria or problems with digestion. Sweet or somewhat fruity smelling stools could potentially indicate untreated diabetes. A slight ammonia tinge? That could point to issues with protein metabolism. You should have gotten somewhat familiar with your own ‘brand’ but pay attention to any ongoing  changes in odor, especially if accompanied by other symptoms like bloating or discomfort.

How it Lands (The Stool’s Behaviour in the Toilet Bowl) 

The way your poop lands in the toilet can tell you a surprising amount about your digestive health. So called ‘floaters’ may suggest that you’re not absorbing fats properly, while ‘sinkers’ that plonk straight to the bottom fast could indicate a lack of fiber in your diet. Ideally, healthy poop should sink, but be soft enough to pass easily. 

By paying attention to these various aspects of your poop, you can gain valuable insights into your digestive health and overall well-being. 

Don’t be afraid to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider - trust me, they’ve heard it all before!