Posts in Thyroid
Thyroid Awareness Month - Everything You Need to Know About the Thyroid

Your thyroid plays a role in supporting you with all of these things, along with fertility, skin and hair health, weight and metabolism, energy levels, and mood. The thyroid carries a big load, and many Canadian’s thyroid glands are actually functioning suboptimally. So let’s take a moment to appreciate and bring awareness to the thyroid, and take a dive into everything you need to know.

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Why am I so tired all the time? 11 Possible Reasons for Fatigue

Do you feel like you wake up every morning tired, no matter how early you go to bed, and feel like you have to drag yourself through your day, again and again, relying on your morning coffee, and your afternoon coffee to make it through the day? Fatigue is a common complaint I hear amongst my patients, and there are many reasons why someone might be experiencing ongoing tiredness.

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The Lowdown on Adaptogens and Hormone Balance

Adaptogens are unique in the fact that these herbs and mushrooms function differently based on what your body needs. In other words, they adapt. That makes them a powerful tool to have in your dietary repertoire, but where to start?

I’ve outlined a few different adaptogens and their potential in supporting your hormone system to get you started.

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